Dog Owner Warning: Parvo-Like Illness Spreading In Michigan

August 25, 2022

In an effort to help spread the word… I wanted to share this article from Whole Dog Journal about an increase in reports of dogs with suspected cases of Canine Parvovirus (aka CPV, CPV2 and Parvo) in Michigan. Symptoms included vomiting, severe and bloody diarrhea and lack of appetite. However, when one might have thought these would be cases of Canine Parvovirus… some of the dogs tested were testing negative for CPV… but some were also testing positive. Sadly, most of the younger dogs that have been afflicted with this parvo-like illness, and exhibiting symptoms, have died.

Please visit the link below, at Whole Dog Journal, to read more about this parvo-like illness, in particular if you are in the Michigan area… or planning to travel there… and how you can protect your dog/puppy… which includes ensuring that they are up to date with their important vaccinations.

Urgent warning for dog owners: Parvo-like illness spreading in Michigan, killing dogs

Stay safe… and keep your dog(s) safe too!

parvo-like illness


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